Letter from Israel Ambassador Lancry to UN Secretary-General Annan-23-Oct-2000

Letter from Israel Ambassador Lancry to UN Secretary-General Annan-23-Oct-2000

    Letter dated 23 October 2000
    from the Permanent Representative of Israel
    to the United Nations Yehuda Lancry
    to UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan

    H.E. Mr. Kofi Annan
    The United Nations
    New York


    I wish to draw your attention to yet another act of aggression perpetrated against Israel from Lebanese territory.

    On the night of Friday, 20 October, a number of terrorists attempted to infiltrate into Israel, armed with automatic weapons, grenades, and high explosive charges. Israeli forces who arrived on the scene came under intense gunfire and grenade attack from the Lebanese side of the border. Searches of the area uncovered the body of one terrorist, three rifles, a machine gun, and parts of an explosive device. These findings point to the intention of the perpetrators to carry out terrorist attacks inside Israel against Israeli citizens.

    In light of this most recent hostile attack against Israel from Lebanese territory, and the growing escalation on that border, I wish to recall our letters addressed to you dated 6 July 2000 (A/54/936-S/2000/661), 13 July 2000 (A/54/939-S/2000/689), 4 August 2000 (A/54/957-S/2000/769), and 15 August 2000 (S/2000/805), as well as our letter of 7 October 2000 (S/2000/969) addressed to the President of the Security Council. These letters called attention to the continuing Lebanese violations along the Line of Withdrawal and the continued threat which they pose to international peace and security in the region.

    It should be recalled that Israel withdrew forces from Southern Lebanon, in full compliance with resolution 425 - a withdrawal confirmed by the Secretary-General (S/2000/590) and subsequently endorsed by the Security Council (S/PRST/2000/21) and referred to in Security Council resolution 1310 (2000). Indeed, resolution 1310 calls for the deployment of UNIFIL in the area and for the Government of Lebanon to "ensure the return of its effective authority and presence in the south, and in particular to proceed with a significant deployment of the Lebanese armed forces as soon as possible", and to "ensure a calm environment throughout the south" (paras. 6-7). Clearly, this must include taking full control over the area in proximity to the fence with Israel and preventing the acts of disorder and violence directed towards Israeli territory.

    We therefore call once again upon the other parties, chiefly the Government of Lebanon, to fulfill their responsibilities under resolutions 425 and 1310, which entail putting an end to these violations of Israeli sovereignty; establishing effective Lebanese authority in the area; and acting to bring peace and security to our common border.

    We would request once again that, in light of this situation, Your Excellency and the Security Council will take the necessary measures to ensure that resolutions 425 (1978) and 1310 (2000) are implemented in their entirety. The Government of Lebanon should, in this context, be called upon to carry out its responsibility to end the violations from its territory, deploy its armed forces and restore its effective authority and control throughout the area. Israel reiterates the need for UNIFIL forces to be deployed at all points of friction along the border between Israel and Lebanon, in keeping with its mandate under resolution 425.

    Should Israel's repeated calls continue to go unheeded, and the present situation persist in which no party takes upon itself responsibility for maintaining order and security in South Lebanon, there is a real danger of a grave deterioration in the area, an outcome that all sides must act to prevent.

    I should be grateful if you would have the text of this letter circulated as a document of the Security Council.

    Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

    Ambassador Yehuda Lancry
    Permanent Representative of Israel
    to the United Nations

    The Israeli Withdrawal from Southern Lebanon